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Speech Therapy

 Home based speech therapy

Speech therapy at home is now easy and fun. Thousands of homeschooling families are using these manuals in place of going to weekly speech therapy. Incorporate speech or language therapy into five minute segments through out the day making speech therapy at home an everyday part of life. It's not rocket science. Here is the information you need to become your child's speech and language therapist.

Which one do I need?

Take a look at the chart below to determine which speech therapy manual would help your child the best.

Sometimes both may be needed as they deal with two different difficulties.


Does your child...
  • Have a lisp?
  • Have speech that is hard to understand?
  • Mumble or garble words?
  • Has speech that is hard to understand?
  • Not pronounce words as well as other children their age?

Does your child...
  • Not speak or have language delays?
  • Say "goed" for went, or "me" for I?
  • have trouble carrying on a conversation as well as other children his age?
You need Straight Talk 1
A parents guide to correcting childhood mispronunciations.
You need Straight Talk 2

A parents guide to language development.


Product Image Item Name- Price
Straight Talk 1

Straight Talk 1

1st Straight Talk Manual Comes in a three ring binder and printed on one side only to make it easier to photo copy the lessons. No DVD included.


Straight Talk 2

Straight Talk 2

Straight Talk 2 -  A parents guide to language development. Written by Marisa J. Lapish, M.A. in Speech Pathology and Tom and Sherry Bushnell,...


New Products For February - Speech Therapy